Asthma and Obesity in Children: Article Review

Total Length: 862 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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To determine eligibility for a diagnosis of obesity, the children's height and weight were analyzed to categorize them based on weight categories. Then, more abstract data of environmental conditions was collected. This focused most on the social environment of the children's home and family. Particular categories were particularly explored, such as the depression of the child's mother, and the presence of domestic violence, as well as external environmental factors in the physical urban space in which the child was living in. Psychosocial factors were especially important, as they were key to helping unlock some of the components of the hypotheses. Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between the dependent variable of the presence of asthma in the various independent variables that were thought to affect it.

Overall, Suglia et al. (2011) uncovered some major findings. The study found that out of all of the participants, 10% had asthma; in terms of obesity, 19% of the children were labeled as being overweight, with an alarming 17% being obese (Suglia, 2011). The overweight and obese categories of the male children seem to show a higher correlation with asthma. In fact, the study suggests that obese boys had double the odds of the presence of asthma than the rate seen in normal children with an average and healthy body weight.

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Still, obese girls also had noticeably higher levels of asthma rates compared to female children who are at a normal weight, although this increase was not as dramatic as seen in the case of the male children. This led the research to conclude that the relationship between asthma and obesity is only statistically significant in mail three-year-old children. In fact, the presence of the variable of obesity dramatically impacted the likelihood of a child to have asthma; even more so in various environmental factors.

In many ways, the researchers were surprised to see the results. They were consistent with the hypotheses in some ways, mainly in the idea that other factors other than the physical environment can have a large impact on rates of asthma in young children. However, the particular factors that the researchers initially believed would prove most influential action were less powerful than they had perceived. Obesity seems to have a greater impact on the risk of asthma than psychosocial factors. In this aspect, the hypotheses were slightly off......

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