Assessments of Personality Types and Careers Essay

Total Length: 461 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The careers best suited to an ISTJ personality type are those that are methodological and systematic, in a quiet, orderly work environment. From the list of suggested careers, I selected three that best reflected my personality as well as my interests and values. These were not necessarily the careers in the green sector, but they do have a bright outlook. The three that stood out include being an actuary, a forensic science technician, or an insurance underwriter. Of these three, actuaries have higher starting salaries and larger earnings potentials.

Actuaries need a strong background in statistics, because their job is to analyze statistical data related to public health, mortality rates, accident rates, and any other variable that might be related to insurance or public policy. Goals include risk forecasting, or projections of liability costs. However, being an actuary is more than crunching numbers. Actuaries are responsible for making clear judgments based on the data, and need to think critically about the material. Actuaries’ judgments and decisions matter, which is another reason why this career field appeals to me. It is not just about generating numbers and raw data, but about

applying those numbers to the real world.

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My top three career-related interests include investigations, enterprising, and conventionality. These interests reflect not only the content of the work I do, but also the work environment and organizational culture. My interest in conventions suggests that I do well in a hierarchical organization because there are clear-cut rules and roles. I prefer role clarity and clear lines of authority. Also, I like working with data and details, not theory or abstract issues. I prefer concrete evidence. I also prefer having a set routine in my daily life. My interest in enterprising suggests that I do like to take initiative, and have strong leadership potential. Finally, an interest in investigations means that I do like thinking critically and solving problems with the data that I have researched, which is why I selected the three careers that I did.


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