Assertiveness Curiosity Towards Assertive Social Term Paper

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Assertive managers make the assumption that their direct reports have missing links also and can benefit from feedback that comes in a straightforward fashion. (Savage, 1998)

Assertive managers are increasingly effectual in molding and transforming the behavior of other people. They vividly define behavior and its outcomes as against ascribing inspiration in case of others. For instance, instead of branding the behavior of employees who are late to meetings as incompetent, lack responsibility or ineffectual, an assertive manager deals with the behavior and not the motivation by expressing in an adaptive voice: "I have marked that you have been delaying for three of the past four meetings. The meeting begins at 8:00 A.M. I suppose that you will be present for the next meeting on time." (Savage, 1998) it is the assertive managers who head their feedback and remarks to the right person, which is the person whose behavior is required to be changed. Assertive managers give feedback during the time of happening itself so as to improve and strengthen performance and to train and to better the performance that deviates from the target. Assertive managers are adept at directing their responses and remarks to generate the maximum rightful results. They are able to determine the opportune moment to give a favorable response, give a direct observation that is based on facts or give an order as a means of achieving outcomes. (Savage, 1998)

Assertiveness is the excellence required by managers to tackle with specialists. Specialists will, by virtue of their nature, try to control weak managers. Assertiveness will allow the specialist understand what performance is anticipated. Assertive behavior does not pose any danger; nevertheless shed no doubt regarding the expectations of the managers and the person who is at the helm of affairs.

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(Gladson, 1992) Assertive Managers appreciate that they ought to take advantage of every chance to convey reliable messages regarding what they anticipate from others in their workplace. The managers who are assertive employ endurance, recurrence, and an incremental method to go on concentrating their approaches to achieve organizational objectives, promote their human resources and build a work atmosphere that espouses their vision and principles. Most vitally, assertiveness managers have knowledge that individuals are able to educate themselves new, more capable behavior as they are dedicated to their personal as well as professional growth. These assertive managers competently mix an understanding of the human courage, common sense and business knowledge to build and upkeep an organization which is able to earn profit and also is a desirable workplace. (Savage, 1998)

In the current cutthroat competition prevalent in work situations, it is important to be assertive. (Glicken, 1999) Due to the interpersonal benefits as well as advantages that accrue in favor of the organization, managers must urge assertive attitude across their organizations. (Hulbert, 1983) Let us take an example of assertiveness with regard to the nursing profession. Nurses are subjectively considered to be in conventionally submissive responsibility as they in a vocation that is generally female dominated. Apart from that, nurses aim for public images as being 'nice'. These reasons are believed to lessen the capability of nurses to act in an assertive way. (Timmins; McCabe, 2005a) Nevertheless with the nurses and midwives making a transition from their conventional responsibilities, it is more and more being held that they must behave in an assertive way. There are several studies that favor the application of assertive behavior in.....

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