Asians Americans and Diabetes Term Paper

Total Length: 1284 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The scourge of type II diabetes is impossible to miss when looking at the societies of countries like the United States. More commonly known as adult-onset diabetes, the disorder is commonly manifested upon adulthood (if not sooner) when the body of the patient is unable to regulate insulin and blood sugar like could and should normally be happening within said patient. Asian-Americans are commonly immune from the normal trends and patterns of type II diabetes. However, there are some Asian-Americans that absolutely deal with the disorder and they are very much at a disadvantage given their start minority status in the United States in general and within most corners and cities within the same. Sure, there are cities like New York and San Francisco. There are some school districts and neighborhoods that have high Asian populations. While the general treatments and interventions for type II diabetes are not completely different for Asians than they would be for anyone else, the PICOT question to be explored for this report will show that there are unique facets and factors that should be in play for Asians but these are often missed due to the marginalized and ignored nature of the population and its unique needs.

PICOT Details & Review

As noted in the introduction, the PICOT question for this research shall center on Asian-Americans with type II diabetes. It will be assessed how the current treatment and intervention patterns are deficient and what could or should be done to correct that. As one might expect, the main deficiencies that do exist center on culture. Before getting to that and the material that underpins and supports the same, a quick review of the PICOT framework and details in question are as follows:

· Population: The population in question are Asian-Americans that have been newly diagnosed with Type II diabetes.

· Intervention: The intervention in question is a health education program that includes patient-specific dietary and lifestyle modifications that are meant to reduce blood sugar and better regulate blood sugar/insulin in the body of type II patients. Of course, the optimal outcome would be for patients to reach a point where their bodies do this regulation on its own, as would be the norm or non-diabetic patients.

· Comparison: The key part of the analysis relating to this study will be the compare and contrast of the different cultural, language and societal patterns that help or hurt when it comes to Asian-Americans with type II diabetes and the outcomes they encounter after they go through a cycle of treatment.

· Outcome: The desired outcome and what will be considered “success” for any given patient is the reduction of A1C levels. Of course, A1C is basically the 90 day running average of blood sugar. The higher the number, generally, the worse off the patient would happen to be.

· Time Frame: The overall time frame of this study will coincide with the overall A1C measurement lookback period, and that would be 90 days.

Scholarly Research

Source One

The review, summary and detail of the study that is to come in relation to this PICOT question will, of course, center on scholarly and peer-reviewed research. With that in mind, there will be a quick review of three peer-reviewed studies that meet the proper depth and breadth needed to execute a proper PICOT study on this subject. One study that was reviewed for this report was done in 2013 by Islam et al. As alluded….....

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