Artificial Intelligence, I Probably Would Essay

Total Length: 815 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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But we live in a capitalist world and capitalism is not going anywhere. So I guess my vision of a future city does not necessarily include dozens of skyscrapers and bridges one over another in a tower of Babel sort of way (the higher you get, the closer to power), but is rather "coloured" by a series of concerns which seem so vivid nowadays that I don't even want to think about what they would develop into in the future. That is not to say that I undermine the presence of such constructions, in fact, I do think we will resort to such things and cities would probably compete for who owns the higher "bits" and all, but if we start building all over the place on the premises that Earth would no longer be able to support so many earthlings, where would we be able to get our air from? Where would we be able to go if we suddenly feel the urge to "leave the city behind" and take a break from everything? To the Moon? That's another possibility, except there's nothing green there. We should also stop thinking so much about our own material needs and start sympathizing with other inhabitants who will most likely suffer because of all the development of technology and the massive exploitations, or else, we might be looking at something as common as a sheep or chicken only in pictures, since milk and eggs would have been substituted by battery machines providing artificial food for what would become artificial men. I take comfort in knowing there's people out there thinking how to use resources so that nothing of the above would become real in the prospect of a future city. I want to envision the image of a city in which people, while enjoying all of the benefits of modern technology, have found a way to co-exist with everything else.

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