Aristotle on the Web Aristotle: Term Paper

Total Length: 801 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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But the view of Aristotle is more critical, rather than seeing the philosopher as a great prognosticator. Aristotle is presented as a great patriarch, occasionally overly venerated, as quite often his word was assumed to be 'gospel' during the heyday of the Catholic Church and scholasticism, although the website makes clear he should still be regarded as a worthy creator of the inklings of the modern scientific method.

The agenda of Philosophy Pages might also seem to be obvious, given the site's title, and its copious and helpful links to specific areas of Aristotelian philosophy, including Aristotle's doctrine of the universals, friendship, and other bibliographic sources. Although all of the data presented, however, is relatively accurate, it is extremely superficial and does not contain the copious amount of direct quotes from the philosopher's works -- far less even then the Encyclopedia page devoted to Aristotle.
Also, the site is filled with advertising links to Amazon and to other books 'on' rather than 'about' the philosopher, presumably as the full texts of Aristotle is already available for free on the web. Although purporting to be a knowledge-based site, the tone of the site seems more like an advertising page for semi-academic websites than the best source of information on the Internet. Its likely target is the rather desperate student surfer, rather than one willing to critically examine the texts written by the man himself. The easy to read style attracts those readers seeking a superficial gloss of otherwise complex writings. Its author, although named as Garth Kemerling does not list his credentials as a Greek scholar, nor is he affiliated with any internet database that is well-known, like the World Book, or a university department or system.


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