Argyris and Schon's Theories for Essay

Total Length: 1350 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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The observations from this examination are: that the individual can influence their thoughts and actions, by knowing how they will affect the process. Argyris and Schon's theories for actions shows, the positive or negative effect that these thoughts will have for all parties. In some cases, this could mean that there could be different thoughts / interpretations, about what is occurring for a particular event. In the case of any good leader, they must look at the situation outside of their own views, to be able to understand the thoughts and actions of others.

Abstract Conceptualization

Argyris and Schon's theories provides: a way for leaders, to be able to understand the situation outside of their own perspective. Where, the actions theory will help them, to take a step back and see the situation from various points-of-views. Once this occurs, is when leaders will be able to understand how, the issue is being seen from the other party's side. In the case of many businesses, this rephrasing and evaluation model; prevents managers from engaging in actions that could benefit management, yet hurt the employees. When you are forcing managers to consciously reevaluate the situation, you are helping them adapt more quickly. In business, this is an important element for ensuring that leaders are able to effectively address possible situations, while they are small and looking at the ramifications of their actions on everyone. This is significant, because the theory from Argyris and Schon, shows how managers can instill effective leadership, by understanding the total scope of their actions on everyone.

Active Experimentation

Argyris and Schon's theory outlines how all leaders must understand, how their thoughts will have an impact on the individual and the organization, through the actions that they engage in. Where, they can help all managers be able, to fully understand the impact of their actions, by looking at what is happening from a variety of different perspectives.

As a result the theories outlined, provides managers with specific actions that they can take to ensure effective leadership. First, managers must keep an open mind, to ensure that they do not attempt to justify their thoughts or possible views. Second, they need to evaluate the effect that their actions will have on: the business, the manager and the individual. Third, the manager must evaluate the various objectives and beliefs / values that they are trying to instill. Fourth, the manager must examine the effect that these actions, will have on the business over the short- and long-term. This is significant, because it shows a way that managers can examine their thoughts, to determine the most appropriate course of action. For a leader, this is an important element in helping to ensure, that they are having the most positive impact possible. Where, one of the greatest attributes of the best leaders is: to inspire and motivate. The only way to achieve this objective is: to see the effects of the possible actions from a variety of perspectives.

Integration and Thesis

Clearly, the ideas presented by Argyris and Schon's theories, highlights how everyone is affected by their thoughts. Where, they will consciously or subconsciously affect what actions they take. For a business, this means that the positive or negative thoughts; will have an impact upon the employees and organization itself. To help ensure that managers are utilizing the best leadership principals requires: using the different ideas outlined in the theory. This will provide managers, with a way of seeing the total effects that their thoughts will have on: the individual, organization and managers. At which point, they can be able to determine what course of action, would have the most positive outcome......

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