Application of Social and Ecological Models Research Paper

Total Length: 1435 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Applying Social-Ecological Model Social-Ecological ModelSocial-Ecological Model looks into a comprehensive interplay between individual, community, relationship, and social factors. It provides us with the knowledge of several factors that exposes people to violence or protect them from perpetrating or experiencing violence. Rings that overlap over the other are used in the model to demonstrate how aspects at a particular stage influence aspects on different levels (CDC, 2016). In addition, the model hints that it is appropriate to act along several levels of the model at a particular time to prevent violence. This perspective has more chances of sustaining prevention efforts over time and attaining population-level impact.On an individual level, the model identifies personal and biological historical factors that enhance one becoming a perpetrator or a victim of violence. Some factors for consideration include income, history of abuse, substance use, age, or education. Violence prevention strategies enhance attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that inhibit violence at this stage (CDC, 2016). Particular approaches may include life skills training, safe dating and healthy relationship, social-emotional learning, conflict resolution, and social-emotional learning skill program.Subsequently, the second level of relationship evaluates close relationships that can heighten violence risks as perpetrators or victims. An individual’s family members, closest social circle peers, and partners contribute to their experience and influence their behavior. At this stage, prevention strategies may include family-centered or parenting prevention initiatives and peer and mentoring programs designed to promote parent-child conversation, strengthen a healthy relationship, enhance problem-solving skills, and positive peer norms.Community, the third level, explores contexts like workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools where social relationships occur. The model attempts to determine the characteristics of such contexts that connect to becoming a perpetrator or a victim of violence (CDC, 2016). Violence prevention strategies at this stage include improving the social and physical environment in these contexts and addressing other factors that degenerate into violence within the community—for example, high density of alcohol intake, poverty, instability, and residential segregation, amongst others.Finally, the fourth level considers the broader societal aspects that create an environment that inhibits or promotes violence. Such aspects include cultural and social norms that endorse violence as a conflict resolution mechanism. Other societal aspects include social, educational, health, and economic policies that assist in maintaining social or economic disparities between residents in a society (CDC, 2016). Prevention strategies at this stage include enhancing societal norms that condemn violence and promoting education, employment opportunities, and household financial security.

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Intrapersonal and Interpersonal LevelsSuicide is a massive health concern in the United States of America. In 2018, around fifty thousand people died of suicide. Since 1999, there has been an annual continuous rise in suicidal cases, particularly among African Americans (King & Merchant, 2008). Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Levels can influence suicide amongst African Americans (Rosario-Williams et al., 2022). Intrapersonal level refers to those events that originate from within oneself, like loneliness and self-reported depressive signs. In contrast, the…

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…2008). Also, social inequality within places of work, healthcare facilities, or schools may contribute to more cases of suicide, particularly among African Americans. For example, studies established that social inequality was associated with increased suicide cases among African American males.Racism is also associated with low employment, education, income, access to health services, and housing. Individually, racism inflicts its detrimental impacts through negative emotional and cognitive phenomena resulting in morbidity and psychopathology (Gee & Ford, 2011). Consequently, the daily stressful life, as a result, increases suicidal attempts among African Americans.Summary of the Application of SEMNo to Suicide: A socio-ecological case study“No to suicide” is a campaign launched to educate people levels of the socio-ecological model on the importance of pursuing other mechanisms to solve challenges other than suicide.Individual. At a personal level, the No to Suicide campaign educates individuals on emotional intelligence and how to solve conflicts with family members, spouses, or peers.Relationship. No suicide campaign team collaborates with International Association for Suicide Prevention and WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Suicide Prevention to provide educational interventions for those susceptible to suicidal acts (Slocum et al., 2017).Community. No to suicide campaign team launches a collaborative partnership that shares resources and information on how to prevent cases of suicide, including how to receive therapeutic interventions.Societal. No suicide campaign team and other respective bodies like International Association for Suicide Prevention push the state agencies to adopt policies that promote equality across all….....

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