Apparel SWOT Strengths: Increased Strengths SWOT

Total Length: 545 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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While creating the potential for lessened morale and quality of the products produce by the industry, these technological advancements also allow designers and manufacturers to reach much broader consumer bases than was previously possible, expanding market reach and enabling both ore fine-tuned marketing techniques as well as more consumer-influenced design processes (Arthur 2010). This industry shift has also created room for niche markets that have purposefully reverted back to older methods of conducting business, with an almost artificially slowed pace of production and availability creating a great deal of anticipation for quality clothing without a hint of consumer-collaborative design (Foley 2010).


Designers have commented on the fashion immediacy created by new technologies "dangerous," seeing these technologies as a threat to the apparel industry as a whole (Foley 2010).

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The visions for a world where the industry itself seeks to matter except as a manufacturing sector for consumer designers is a bit extreme, but a move in this direction would still threaten many key players in the apparel industry, and prolonged reliance on these design and delivery methods could substantially and permanently weaken sales and erode the quality of the industry overall (Corcoran & Lockwood 2010). Environmental and ethical issues with labor placement and treatment, raw materials and shipping also remain issues threatening the industry......

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