Anti-globalization/Anti-capitalism Vs. Neoliberalism the Colonial Term Paper

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It is about freer movement of goods, resources and enterprises in a bid to always find cheaper resources, to maximize profits and efficiency" (Shah, 2007). Therefore, this means development for both the areas that sell these resources, as well as for the actors which buy them and use them in the manufacturing business. It is argued however, that the ones who benefit from raw materials at a lower price tend to exploit the sources of these materials. Indeed, there are more benefits for those countries or companies that buy from poorer regions of the world. However, they do help them develop. Moreover, the trend in the globalised world is to precisely move parts of the manufacturing businesses in areas that are in need of jobs. Thus, a certain benefic impact would exist on the host society. There are numerous examples that suggest this outcome, such as IBM and Microsoft in India or other countries of the region. On a similar note, India has benefited from a comparable strategy on the time of the British Empire, when the practice was to move large parts of the manufacturing business in India and export India manufactured goods.

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Thus, the society eventually evolved and entered the world map.

On the other hand, capitalism and globalization implied the lack of control over the forces of production (Shah, 2007). In this sense, the market is free to establish its own rules and levels of trade. Should there be a control of the production a crisis similar to the 1929 event would become again an issue of concern because the supply would not fit the demand and the price of goods would not show their actual value. In a capitalist system, the market is self-regulatory according to the so called invisible hand which in the end keeps goods from losing their value and people from keeping their working places.

Overall it can be said that the capitalist and the globalised system are benefic for the evolution of the society as a whole. Some marks of liberal practices can even be seen in the colonial history of India. Thus, although there is long way until a certain equilibrium between benefits and costs is achieved, it is fair to say that globalization is indeed an important aspect of today's world......

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