Anemia Treatment Case Study

Total Length: 641 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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signs of anemia that is caused by blood loss. Anemia caused by blood loss can take place over long periods of time, and in Ms. A's situation, that could be what is taking place. According to her medical history, she has been suffering from "menorrhagia" and "dysmenorrhea," both of which are signs of anemia in women, especially during child-birthing years. Other signs of anemia in the patient include the fact that she feels fatigued, and the light-headedness she suffers while golfing. Additionally, she has been on aspirin for 10-12 years, and she also takes aspirin more often during the golfing season. As one report suggests; the use of "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can cause ulcers and gastritis" (WebMD, 2014) which, of course, can result in the type of chronic bleeding associated with anemia.

The case study shows the results of the patient's blood test, and certainly there are more signs from the results that lead the diagnosis to trend toward anemia.
Blood tests can help in determining any number of abnormalities, and in this case the test shows that the patient's hemoglobin and red blood cell counts (RBC) were both abnormal. Of course, it is a well-known fact that "when used properly, RBC morphology can be a key tool for laboratory hematology professionals to recommend appropriate clinical and laboratory follow-up and to select the best tests for definitive diagnosis" (Ford, 2013, p. 351). In this patient's case, the definitive diagnosis is anemia exacerbated by the high mountain atmosphere, the use (some might say overuse) of aspirin, and the extended periods of exercise.


Treatment for this particular diagnosis can be undertaken in a step-by-step process. One of the first items to accomplish would be to determine if any complications are arising. Tests can be scheduled to determine whether Ms. A is suffering from gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids or cancer. Such tests will guide the….....

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