Analyzing the Senario Summary Term Paper

Total Length: 662 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Healthcare and Patient Information Scenario Summary

Impact of using the Internet to Communicate Consumer Information

Of late, Internet utilization in health care settings has generated substantial interest. Though concerns regarding such issues as web-based communication and information quality and privacy remain, electronic technologies of the highest possible standard of quality guarantee an effective means for information dissemination, communication enhancement, and facilitation of health care improvements. Utilizing the Internet for improving communication between patients and their physicians can likely bring about improved medical care effectiveness and decreased costs. Effective provider-patient electronic communication can even possibly reduce the necessity for visits to the physician's clinic, in certain circumstances, as well as spending. However, increased electronic communication can potentially increase physicians' workloads without generating any improvements in health, or could even bring about a decline in effectiveness of patient care. A grasp of expanded communication's impacts is gaining increasing importance, in view of heightened efforts supporting increased adoption of electronic communication, facilitated by changes to policy, such as the inclusion of codes for enabling electronic communication compensation (Baker, Rideout, Gertler, & Raube, 2005).

Impact of Organizational Research and the use of IT to Collect Data

Organizational research data is typically gathered first-hand from members of the organization, by means of oral interviews or written questionnaires.
The widespread availability of networked organizational personal computers has, in recent times, given rise to novel organizational research techniques, which involve research stimulus presentation via browsers and Web pages (Stanton & Rogelberg, 2001). Internet- or organizational intranet- based survey administration is linked with highly reduced cost and cycle time, as it forgoes manual entry of data, and mailing and printing costs. In addition, improved data integrity ensues, on account of human error elimination during the process of data entry. Survey scheduling also becomes more flexible, as surveys can be forwarded to tons of respondents with a single mouse click, instead of using a large administration or mailing session, typically during working hours. Information on survey status (e.g., demographics and response rates) is instantaneously available and viewable as participants complete and hand in surveys (Roberts, Konczak, & Macan, 2004).

Ethical Implications of Clinical Efficiency Research with Monitoring and Tracking Data

Ethical concerns surface when the location of individuals equipped with a receiver gets transmitted to a second party. Several ethical issues develop, owing to the rapid implementation of GPS (Global Positioning System) technologies in modern society. The Pocket Macquarie….....

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