Analyzing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Phobias

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Phobias

The video provides statistics that state that the lifetime prevalence rate of OCD is three percent with 30 to 50% in children of ages 7 to 11 having the disorder. The treatment includes Prozac and Zoloft, which improves the disorder, if taken regularly for several weeks. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also one of the treatments that can be used for children. Parents have an important role to play on their part in order to not make their children anxious regarding everyday lives, but make them confident enough so the children find no excuse to skip school. The video is very relevant to treating mental disorders as it clearly explains the medication and the time required to take it in order to be better. I would like to learn more about Augmentation and the different strategies that can be used to prevent phobias in children (Nickel, 2010).


The video starts with the historical diagnosis of ADHD, which started back in 1902, including defects, symptoms and the diagnosis required for the mental disorder. The lecture also clears that ADHD is genetic and can be passed on to children. The prevalence rate of ADHD in children is 5 to 7% while in adults it is 4%, among which 20% is acquired while 8% is genetic.

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The video discusses ADHD from its history to diagnosis, aspects important in treating the mental disorder, hence its relevance. The historical and statistical aspect of the video is important to learn in order to know more about ADHD and I would like to learn more about the 'Acquired' part of ADHD as it would make it clearer about how children can acquire ADHD (Nickel, 2010).

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Oxytocin is important for children during labor and helps enhance social learning in children with a mental disorder. Nickel (2010) presents studies that talk about Asperger's, and the people affected with it are highly intelligent and have the ability to perceive tones in more emotional ways (Nickel, 2010). The video touches on mental disorder medication, hence its relevance. I would like to learn more about Nasal infusion, as the study sounded very interesting and something that could be discussed more.

Eating Disorders

Bulimia, anorexia and over eating are some eating disorders that can include frequent vomiting and seizures. Depression is also the source of bulimia and the affected person takes antidepressants and do not talk about it because they feel embarrassed about the condition. Feeding food to people with anorexia is the source diagnosis since the body requires the basic building blocks to survive (Nickel, 2010). The video explains in.....

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