Analyzing the Mysterious Spirituality Term Paper

Total Length: 829 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Mysterious Spirituality

Being human has three distinctive components -- body, mind, and spirit -- which play specific roles, purposes and functions. The role of every individual component drives all decisions made and actions taken. These components are connected with mysterious abilities or moments existing within the universe. Based on one's reactions to them, the abilities may negatively or positively impact the body, mind, and spirit.


It has been stated by the Centre for Spirituality and Healing (2014) that intuition is taken to be instant sensing. Some individuals would, for instance, say that it was their "gut feeling" that something big was about to happen. In such instances, intuition experiences are body-based. One's intuition usually comes to know of the truth regarding any situation almost instantaneously, after being exposed to it. Understanding that just like every other human experience, intuition isn't external to the body, is important. This element is present within one's body, and probably stems from one's biology.

Usually, intuition is linked to transcendental experiences. The parietal lobe of one's brain is related to the feeling of mystical oneness or boundlessness that is common to all intuitive experiences. Normally, some portions of one's brain become increasingly active in the course of these experiences.

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However, the parietal lobe responsible for one's sense of boundary falls silent when the boundlessness linked to transcendence and intuition surfaces. As one becomes sensitive to and aware of the intuitive knowledge of one's body, one will acquire a greater awareness of changing bodily conditions, and can better nurture one's well-being, monitor one's health issues, and guide personal healthcare (Center for Spirituality and Healing, 2014).

The element of intuition is capable of contributing to one's well-being and health in numerous ways, ranging from perhaps dramatically saving one's life to helping one attain greater balance in one's lifestyle. If one learns to listen and love one's body, intuition will begin serving the body, spirit, and mind (Center for Spirituality and Healing, 2014).


It is stated by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (n.d.) that a grasp of the link between healing and dreams began in the ancient days and garnered respect for several thousand years. The interaction of the body with the brain generates dreams, which assist in diagnosing an ailment. Currently, the psychoneuroimmunology field provides the science that underlies the connection between the body, spirit, and mind. Dreams represent direct messages transmitted….....

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