Analyzing Arimount Marketing Plan Marketing Plan

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Arimount Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan: Situation Analysis

Segmentation & Target Market Analysis

Segmentation of the market encompasses aligning the different consumers of the company into segments or groups that have common interests and needs and will have the same reactions to actions in the market. This includes segmenting the consumers demographically, geographically, psychographically and also behaviorally (Warner, 2010). The target market for this new product to be unveiled by Arimount encompasses male individuals between the age of 18 and 30 years old. These are individuals who function for most part of the day and therefore sweat. This particular segment of employees is selected for the reason that the deodorant will last for a longer period and therefore letting the consumers feel more fresh and smelling great for a longer period.

Competitive Analysis

The beauty and grooming industry is one that is immensely competitive. This is owing to the reason that different companies offer varying and a range of products with different scents and consumer preferences. In the unveiling of the new deodorant product in the market, Arimount will face immense competition from the following companies:

1. Old Spice

This is a department of Proctor & Gamble that offers a product line of grooming products for men, which encompass antiperspirant, deodorant, body wash, body spray, and fragrance, consisting of cologne and after-shave.

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2. Dove

Dove for men is a product line that is created by Unilever. This particular brand started as a beauty soap in the year 1957 bar that had been empirically established to be softer for both dry and sensitive skins in comparison to other prominent soaps. In the contemporary, Dove for Men offers products, which include deodorants, body wash, and face wash.

3. Axe

This is a line of products that is provided by Unilever. The products that are produced by Unilever are retained in more than 180 nations. In Australia, United Kingdom and also Ireland, these products are retailed as Lynx. Axe products consist of shower gel, deodorant, and hair products, for instance shampoo and conditioner, and styling gel. Axe prices are competitively priced and can be bought at grocery chain stores, big box stores, online, and drugstores. The products of Axe are retailed at between $3 and $5.

4. Gillette

Similar to Old Spice, Gillette is a brand that was recently bought by Proctor & Gamble. In particular, this brand is a product line that offers not only shaving gel, deodorant, body wash, but also razors. Gillette products can be bought online, in major stores, big box stores, and pharmacies. The prices set for the brand's products begin at merely $3 for shave.....

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