American Title Insurance Company's Primary Term Paper

Total Length: 634 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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As a result, Fidelity has taken up more of the marketshare than they previously owned by expanding into commercial sectors where their formerly was no market. Another key competitor is the PMI Group, which has gained increased marketshare because of their strong software development. The company sells a model that helps predict default risks for consumers with different credit histories, this information service helps banks price their loans more effectively. Competition within this sector is unique because it takes place on both the local and national level. On the local level, First American must compete with small players within the market for the title insurance market share as well as the larger companies. However, on the national level, First American must manage a strong information service that focuses on more commercial and professional services in order to negotiate partnerships on a national level. In both cases the inevitable result is that they must constantly fight a two front war for customers.

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The company is organized through a top to bottom approach. First American has a headquarters office which issues the general strategy and approach of the company. It also negotiates major national level clients and approach institutions with First American services. Title insurance however has its primary profitability come from local branch offices, which are located in every major and mid sized city. These offices operate almost independently from the national office as they are keys in providing services on the local level.,+08:32+AM

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