American Quilt (Film Report) for Term Paper

Total Length: 1663 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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God created man and woman, it can never be one without another, woman comes to complete man and vice versa. They are so different and when they come together they become complete. True love means feelings that spring from the bottom of the soul, and also means forgiveness for the other, and understanding each other's temptations and frailties, it has nothing to do with physical attraction.

According to one of the reviews on the IMDB site "In a sense the Darwinian nature of the human animals depicted here is correct, and on that level director Jocelyn Moorehouse is having a good laugh on all of us. Her assertion is that what human really practice is "serial monogamy," an insight from evolutionary psychology increasingly accepted these days. Her answer to the vexing question, "Can men and women be friends?" is clearly no. From a woman's point-of-view -- and this film is clearly from a woman's point-of-view-I suspect she is correct.
" film should be objective and not present only one point-of-view, in this case the women's point-of-view. Men should have had a word a two in the director's script. Yes people must be more understanding and try to be more close to each other, and understand that everybody is bound to make mistakes. Finn realizes in the end that love is not physical sex, that what she had with Leon was just a fling. And that she loves Sam and is she will try to establish a family with him.

There are many materials and colors used to form an American quilt. All love experiences presented in the movie are different, but they seem never to come together, the thread that should have sewed them in a quilt is not visible. In spite of this, the movie is an interesting exploration of human relationships when it comes to the torment of love......

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