America's Top Cop Reversed the Book Review

Total Length: 940 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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and, who knows, maybe even the country" (pg. xi). Bratton's highly inspirational language demonstrates that while although there are problems with the current system as it is, these problems can indeed be fixed. The reader is made to feel that despite these problems being pervasive the criminal justice system on both a state and federal level, the opportunity to combat these problems is within our reach. We just have to work together.

Also important in the Turnaround is how Bratton addresses the racial tensions and other key issues (such as gender and sex inequalities) in our country and throughout the criminal justice system. Bratton poignantly notes: "Our statistics told us clearly that a large percentage of the crime in New York was being perpetrated by blacks and Hispanics. This was a fact. But what also need to be understood was that most of the victims were also blacks and Hispanics. They were the chief victims of crime and of police ineffectiveness in reducing crime. They had a right to be protected" (pg. xxviii). It seems that these days, issues of race, gender, and sex inequalities are hot-button issues for everyone. When government officials and especially police officers bring them to light, many citizens feel that they are either catering to one group or another, instead of finding a common, fair stance. However, Bratton impressively demonstrates that a more collaborative viewpoint is necessary in order for our society to work together to both understand these hot-button issues, as well as fix the underlying inequalities surrounding them.

Overall, Bratton's account of his experience as a highly successful police officer is a humanizing and eye-opening account of the criminal justice system.
It is clear that the type of reconstructive work Bratton and others like him are doing for our country is what is so desperately needed in these highly controversial and divided political times. People all over our nation are divided on crime and can often be highly critical of the way law enforcement handles matters. However, reading and thinking over the experiences Bratton shares with his readers is precisely what the author seems to want. The very way Bratton speaks to his reader on a highly personal level indicates that he wants to inspire us to take collaborative action in reforming society and the criminal justice system. There is not doubt that Bratton is attempting to revamp the criminal justice system and the many issues of corruption and discrimination that unfortunately permeate it, and at the same time do everything in his power to reduce crime. By further understanding and reflecting on Bratton's message in the Turnaround, it seems that we all might one day be able to do our part in working towards these admirable goals….....

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