Alternative Treatment Educational Course for Thesis

Total Length: 598 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Clear boundaries must be set for the child as to what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior. Older and more verbal children may be able to 'talk out' some of their anger issues with a counselor, and the counselor can probe as to why the child feels angry (Non-drug therapies for ADHD, 2005, Mental Health Matters).

Creating a new way of relating to the world for the child

For hyperactive children, behavior modification can be useful. In this therapy, good behaviors, agreed upon by the child, parent, teachers, and therapist, are rewarded and others are punished (Non-drug therapies for ADHD, 2005, Mental Health Matters). These might include sitting still for defined periods of time, not running or fidgeting at inappropriate times, and meeting other physically definite goals. Behavior modification is often deployed for younger children or children who do not yet have the capacity to engage in cognitive behavioral therapy.

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Including the family in this therapy is especially important as the family can help watch the child and note when he or she behaved well in challenging situations, or poorly despite the dictates of his or contract with the therapist.

All of these alternative therapies encourage defining limits for the child, setting measurable outcomes, and establish new, physical limitations for the child in the world. While there is no 'silver bullet' therapy to deal with the triad of impulsivity, anger, and hyperactivity that afflicts so many ADHD children, these treatments can be effective when applied consistently, and for many children can either mitigate or obviate the need for drug treatment.


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