Alternative Grading Methods Guidelines the Thesis

Total Length: 328 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Such cognitive behavioral strategies often depend upon daily monitoring of behavior, and a system of rewards and punishments.

Another valuable means of assessment for all special needs student is the use of a portfolio. Grading students on relative improvement is important: composing a portfolio that shows improvement in meeting IEP goals over the semester, as well the extent to which the student was able to meet general classroom requirements creates a sense of accomplishment for the student as well as demonstrates to administrators and parents the educational benefits the student is accruing in the classroom.

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Having the student present the portfolio to the teacher aloud is also a useful aspect of a portfolio assignment, and can be used as an act of self-analysis that can help the student's level of confidence and ability to communicate to others......

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"Alternative Grading Methods Guidelines The", 15 January 2010, Accessed.6 July. 2024,