Alternative Fuels the Key to Term Paper

Total Length: 973 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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" All of this experimentation eventually led to new alternative fuel technologies which in today's world is one of the fastest growing commercial industries, due to the ever-rising need for coal and oil and the continuing rise in oil prices which are expected to exceed $100 a barrel in the very near future. In addition, most major automotive manufacturers like Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota and Nissan "have unveiled prototype fuel cell-powered cars," some of which can be purchased today and run on fuels like hydrogen, ethanol and electricity ("Fuel Cell Basics," 2007, Internet).

Two of the most important and innovative types of alternative fuels being used in the modern world are hydrogen and electricity, both of which, for the most part, do not rely upon the use of fossil fuels and do not pollute the atmosphere like burning coal and oil to generate power.

With hydrogen as a fuel source, it can be created by "re-forming natural gas or another fossil fuel or by using electricity to split (or electrolyze) water into its components of oxygen and hydrogen." The best and most planet-friendly method for creating hydrogen necessary to run and operate power plants and automobiles is through the use of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells, which are pollution-free and do not cause any kind of damage to the environment. One of the big advantages to using hydrogen as fuel is that "no greenhouse gases are generated" and all that emerges from the tailpipe of a car "is drinkable water.
" Thus, by using hydrogen as a "non-polluting, renewable source," the result would be "a truly unlimited supply of clean fuel" which would help immensely in the on-going struggle to save the planet ("Alternative Fuel Types," 2002, Internet).

Much like hydrogen, electricity as a fuel source does not pollute the environment, due to the electricity being "generated off-board and stored in a battery or generated by a small on-board power plant." As to automobiles, this is known as hybrid electric vehicles which besides hydrogen "can be designed to run on any fuel" like ethanol, methanol, and other agricultural by-products. Without a doubt, electric and other hybrid vehicles "have the potential to be by far the cleanest means of transportation" and are "very efficient" as compared to engines that operate on gasoline ("Alternative Fuel Types," 2002, Internet).

Thus, the potential for both of these alternative fuels and numerous others is great indeed, for by using them it would create millions of new jobs and would help immensely in the battle to save the planet from the disastrous effects of global warming. Clearly, if human beings continue to destroy the planet by using fossil fuels, the future of mankind and the planet looks dismal indeed......

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