Alcoholism Alcohol Has Long Been Research Paper

Total Length: 1585 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In fact, some people can recover from alcoholism with no formal treatment whatsoever, and others may "…cycle in and out of dependence" during their entire lifetime, Huebner continues (296).

One relatively new idea in terms of treating alcoholics is to use the powerful hallucinogenic drug, LSD, according to an article in Medline Plus (Preidt, 2012). A study using 536 patients who were alcohol dependent showed that "a single dose of LSD" helped serious alcoholics quit drinking and moreover, it reduced their "risk" of getting back into the alcohol, Preidt writes (p. 1). Why would LSD work on alcoholics? The author reports that LSD may stimulate for formation of "new connections and patterns" in the brain, and may well open up a new perspective and awareness within the mind of the alcoholic, providing "opportunities for action" (Preidt, p. 1).

In conclusion, for those who are addicted to alcohol that are sincerely interested in becoming sober, this paper points out that the oldest remedy for recovery, the 12 Steps of AA appears to be the most appropriate method for the most people.

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Also, this paper points to the large number of people who struggle with alcoholism, and it points to the links between genetics and the potential to become dependent upon alcohol.


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