Aircraft Safety the FAA As Capstone Project

Total Length: 1126 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The measure of risk is expressed as the ratio of bird strikes occurring every 100,000 flying hours. This measure is however relatively insensitive to technical improvements. Therefore a reduction in safety is not anticipated but is calculated afterwards when increased bird strikes have already happened. Therefore, BASH managers are disadvantaged because they are able to respond only after bird strikes happen (ibid., 209-212). The authors introduce a new method for risk assessment based upon near-miss events that complement risk calculations based upon reported bird strikes. Improvements in digital avian tracking

radars help biologists to monitor and assess near-miss events. Near-miss events occur much more frequently. By adding in the near miss data, estimates of bird strikes are made more accurate (ibid., 213-214).

In the jet age, many forget that rotary driven aircraft make up a great percentage of the civil aviation fleet. In a study published in the journal of American Meteorological Society, the dynamic effects associated with approaching cold fronts cause amplification of the lee wave and rotor,.

This creates increasingly hazardous flight conditions at nearby airports. Quick winds measured by Doppler LIDAR (light detection and ranging) and 915-MHz wind profilers have been found to produce light-to-moderate turbulence for a research aircraft making missed approaches. The Doppler LIDAR's detailed measurements of lee-wave -- rotor systems allow evaluations of RAMS' ability to capture these complex wind features.
Numerical simulations tied with technology help to predict the effects of rapidly evolving wind systems upon rotor aircraft. In any event, new technologies need to be rapidly integrated into the civil aviation system to anticipate safety hazard events (Darby & Poulos, 2006, 2857-2873).

Research Project

This author proposes doing a case study of a local airport to provide qualitative results about the holistic combining of major criteria in sets to anticipate and ameliorate safety hazards. It will be done by administering a questionaire querrying the effectiveness and training for the airport employees.


The FAA has to step up to the challenges of the new century if it plans on operating a controlled, safe environment for airline passengers. Even the smallest details can quickly change into threatening dilemmas. There is much talk regarding airline safety, but risk and safety modeling to deal with the most common accidents has been neglected. In th meantime, the FAA has been occupied creating new regulations, but paying scant to modeling the necessary jobs categories. While terrorism and hijacking have been the center of aviation regulation in the last ten years, we also must look at the more minor issues. For this reason, proper risk and safety modeling incorporating the latest safety modeling technologies are essential......

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