Aircraft Purchase Plan Research Paper

Total Length: 2578 words ( 9 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Aircraft Purchasing Plan

An aircraft purchase plan is a plan designed by an organization, a corporate company or an individual with the aim of acquiring an aircraft. The design of the plan matches the buyer's specifications and needs. The acquisition plan must match the buyer's monetary resources. The resources that one has, determines the aircraft that one can purchase. The purchase plan should be consistent with the goals of the buyer (Betz 2010). The plan should be adapted to suit the needs of the buyer. This is an example of an effective aircraft purchase plan. A flight department has the duty of organizing flights for the corporate managers of the business. The flight department has the duty to ensure the aircrafts that the company has are proper to transport goods and people. The department organizes flight hours and schedule for flying corporate members.

The purpose of this purchase plan is enabling the company to establish its baseline and its configuration. The company plans to manufacture new fleets of aircrafts and this plan will enable it make sound decisions in the acquisition process (Crider 2011). The company has the option to acquire the aircrafts from government owned crafts, variable term and exclusive use aircrafts. The acquisition plan will enable the company to acquire aircrafts that provide the best overall performance, speed, capacity and safety features.

Mission description

The company needs to produce many aircrafts to sustain the growing demand from potential buyers. The company produces many designs of aircrafts admired by many corporate official, business people and artists from across the world. The company has aircrafts that cut costs to fuel consumption (Hitt 2008). Many people desire to own private jets. Jets produced by Honda are economical and easy to purchase (Betz 2010). This growing demand makes the company has to produce many aircrafts to supplement the growing demands for the private jets. The Hondajet is the most advanced lightweight aircraft in the world. This jet has a high domestic demand, and potential buyers are making prior orders acquire customized Honda jets.

The company's main fleet is the hondajet model commercially released in the year 2013. The jet is a lightweight model that is fast and cheap compared to other models produced by other companies. The company Honda Aircraft Company is stepping up efforts to improve the designs on the much-awaited hondajet (Crider 2011). The company designs and produces small commercial aircrafts that appeal to most high-end consumers and businesses. The fleets are advantageous in the transportation of business people from one place to another fast and conveniently. The company is now developing new designs released in the future after the hondajet.

The company -- Honda Aircraft Company- started producing aircrafts in the 1980s by using engines produced by other companies. The company now produces its own engines and assembles the parts to make a complete jet. This has helped the company to reduce the costs incurred in the production of the jets. The company assembles the parts and services the aircrafts. The company also markets its own aircrafts, and this has helped the company to maximize its profits (Betz 2010). This is the main reason why the company has become one of the leading aircraft producing companies in the world. The company uses its own aircrafts to fly its sales executives and management teams to market the planes across the globe.

Mission requirement

The company's mission is to ensure the safety of all the passengers that travel with the hondajet. The company mission is to manufacture aircrafts that have the standard equipment and the necessary configuration to meet the growing demands. The company strives to manufacture aircrafts that meet the needs of the mission group disregarding the geographical area (Crider 2011). Standardization will help the company to provide efficient privately and commercial aircrafts to the market. There will be hosting locations be used to provide staff with accommodation. This makes the staff report to work early and start in the development of the aircrafts.

The company will ensure that there are no budget constraints in its operations. The company plans to use the money it has raised and amassed to help in the production of the hondajet HA-420 fleet. The company plans to cut costs by reducing expenses that the company incurs. The new aircrafts will help realize the mission of the company. The company plans to provide a new experience in flying (Hitt 2008). The new fleet of aircrafts manufactured will provide a safe and good fast way of transport.
The company also has the mission to become one of the leading aircraft manufacturing companies in the world. The sales from the hondajet will ensure that the company earns significant amount of income used. This used in the expansion. The company uses resources in development activities to design and manufacture other new models.

The hondajet meets the mission requirements of the company. This will enable the company effectively and efficiently execute its mission statement of provision of safety and enjoyable flying. The key mission of the company is to provide fast and safety flying experience. Success is the key mission that the company wants to achieve (Betz 2010). The company bases its definition of success by the number of aircrafts that it will manufacture and sell across the world.

The company will realize its mission to offer safe flights. The aircraft's specification in its design will enable this. The cabin size, cargo capacity, range, door size, payload have all been designed to ensure safety. The aircraft design makes it only accommodate one or two crewmembers (Crider 2011). The carrying capacity is five to six passengers whereas the height is 4.54 meters. These specifications enable passengers to travel safely and comfortably. The plane has a cruising speed of 778 km/h. This high speed ensures that passengers reach their destinations on time. Managers and corporate officials who attend meeting oversees can be sure to arrive on time and attend the meetings.

The Honda Aircraft Company has a clear understanding of the mission requirements. The company understands that there are risks that may disrupt the mission of the company. The new fleet of The company also has the mission to become one of the leading aircraft manufacturing companies in the world (Hitt 2008). The sales from the hondajet will ensure that the company earns significant amount of income used. The company knows well that it has to come up with the right aircraft to meet the consumer needs.

Analysis and research enable the company to manufacture the right aircraft with the right specifications that will ensure customer satisfaction and safety. The value that the company plans to achieve from the sale of the Honda HA-420 is higher than the costs that it will incur in the process. This will ensure the company's growth and success and will be a stepping-stone to the development of other aircrafts (Betz 2010). The acquisition plan must match the buyer's monetary resources. The resources that one has, determines the aircraft that one can purchase. The purchase plan should be consistent with the goals of the buyer.

The plan should be adapted to suit the needs of the buyer. This is an example of an effective aircraft purchase plan. A flight department has the duty of organizing flights for the corporate managers of the business (Hutt 2012). The jet has to change its engine after a period. This referred as TBO (Time before Overhaul). An engine has to be overhauled. The company will need to evaluate the Time before Overhaul when designing the engine of the aircrafts. The overhaul will determine the number of times the company will need to redesign the engines. An engine that needs overhaul repeatedly after a short period of the number of flights it has taken is uneconomical (Hitt 2008). This leads to the incursion of losses that will make the development and the growth if the company to slow down.

An effective purchase plan will ensure that the company will design long lasting engines that will last and provide exceptional service. The company understands that selling an aircraft that has a low TBO will result to losses since the company will sell the planes at a lower price.

Do they only use their own airplanes? Do they send executives/salesman/teams further than can be serviced by the aircraft they produce?

The company operates 65 jets and 63 propeller planes (Crider 2011). The jets grouped into certain categories offer exceptional flight experience. Grouping of the jets occurs according to class whereby the price for each jet differs according to the class category that each pane is. All the jets fall under six main class categories. These class categories include; very light; light; mid-size; super mid-size; large and heavy. The very light category has 11 jets the light category has 11 the mid-size has 13 the super mid-size has nine, and the large category has 12, whereas the heavy category has nine. The….....

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