Agree With, Yet Ultimately I Have a Essay

Total Length: 520 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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agree with, yet ultimately I have a fundamentally different perspective on the issue of homework, teacher responsibility, and parental involvement in education. It is true that many homework assignments are found to be tedious, boring, and repetitive by students and their parents alike, and it is definitely part of a teacher's responsibility to find ways to overcome these perceptions and attitudes so as to enhance the learning process and make it more effective. Creating more "interesting" assignments is certainly one method for overcoming this issue, yet I agree that this solution does indeed miss the fundamental problems identified with the homework issue specifically and the educational system in general. I do not agree, however, with the poster's assessment of what the fundamental homework issue actually is.

It is somewhat true that children these days have less and less time to spend on homework with the increasing amounts of structured and scheduled activities many children are involved in. It is also true that parents have many other responsibilities that take time away from homework time with their children.
These are not insurmountable barriers that require a change in the delivery of education, however, but rather are indicators of the perspectives and priorities that prevail in the public psyche. That is, parents should prioritize homework and fostering an interest in learning for both themselves and their children; if they fail to do this there is little that educators can do to ensure more effective learning.

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