Afropolitans: Changing Africa Essay

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What is Success of Afropolitan

Africa is a continent that is filled with vast cultures and distances. At the same time, there are tremendous amounts of poverty and disparities between economic / social classes. These shifts are having an adverse impact on the population with a large number traveling overseas. According to Global Migrant Origin, a total of 13.1 million people are living or studying overseas. This demographic is referred to as the Afronpolitan. This is someone who studies and lives abroad. They are known for having wide ranging social and cultural identities. This allows them to provide unique insights on issues and the challenges impacting this segment.

What is success to the Afropolitan?

For the Afropolitian, success is defined loosely in comparison with previous generations. This is because more from this demographic are college educated and work in distinguished professions. They are different from their parents by having more of an entrepreneurial spirit. This means that their lives are moving in completely different directions. For instance, their parents focused on conservative careers in the areas of: health care, law banking and engineering. The younger generation is concentrating on politics, music, venture capital and design. They want to make a difference in the lives ordinary Africans by solving some of the most critical problems. This is different, as they want to redefine success away from monetary or economic terms. Instead, these individuals are focused on addressing the long-term challenges which have negatively been impacting their homeland. They will use their connections and understanding of their adopted countries to generate the resources and support they need to achieve these larger objectives.

However, at the same time, they want to point out the beauty of Africa and everything that makes it unique. In these situations, they are becoming a liaison for underscoring the benefits. This enables them to become a voice between these cultures. This is when they can relate to individuals in their adopted countries. Over the course of time, this is changing how Afropolitians define success and what matters the most to them.

Who gets respect?

Those who receive respect are making a difference.
This means that they will engage in activities such as: music, culture and economics. Each one of these areas is pointing out the beauty of Africa and its true potential. Yet, at the same time, they are serving as an advocate for creating lasting changes. This means that they will highlight the importance of critical issues to everyone. A few of the most notable include: poverty, corruption, HIV, Ebola, war and debt forgiveness. Those Afropolitians who embrace these ideals are considered to be a cultural ambassador for their country and Africa.

What does respectability look like at home and abroad?

At home, respectability is showing how they adopt the cultural traditions of their country. This means dressing appropriately, embracing the most accepted customs / social norms and using similar accents / body language / jargon. These elements enable the person to embrace their African heritage and maintain a sense of who they are. This helps them to build respectability at home among the various people they associate with.

Abroad, these individuals are ambassadors for their country. This means engaging in occupations which are highlight the unique contributions they make to their adopted countries. This occurs in areas such as business, music, entertainment, philanthropy and actions. Over the course of time, these shifts reshape attitudes about them, their culture and Africa itself.

What did it and does it take to be a star in new skies?

Afropolitians need to show more liberal attitudes. This means embracing two different cultures and becoming a bridge between them. These actions will have an impact on their ability to make a difference in the lives of ordinary people. To be a star, someone must go above and beyond these attributes. In these cases, they have to become a role model for everyday people in a host of countries to look up to.

How do immigrants rewrite the respectability politics of their homelands?

Immigrants are changing politics by showing what it takes….....

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