Advertising and the Social Construct Thesis

Total Length: 302 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Automobile manufacturers and companies that produce so-called "luxury" goods present images of wealth, privilege, and (especially) the admiration of others to promote the value of their products to the consumer. The notion of "exclusivity" is another aspect of this approach because it creates the perception that consumers who can afford certain products are more accomplished or privileged than others. Likewise, clothing, beer, and cosmetic companies (among many others) use specific imagery to create the perception that use of their products is associated with an image of physical attractiveness and sexual desirability.
In general, the most predominant theme in modern advertising is that commercial products can help the individual establish and maintain a desirable personal identity. In reality, there is little truth to that inference and it is purely a function of the exploitation of human social psychology and symbolic interactionism......

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