Adverse Childhood Experiences a Female Colleague of Essay

Total Length: 861 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

A female colleague of mine was subjected to sexual abuse as young children, and she suffered severe emotional trauma as a result of that abuse. "Gloria," was unlucky to have an alcoholic father, who would come home late at night, very drunk, go into her room, fondle her, suck her little breasts, and insist that she play with his private parts. In my own childhood I was beaten repeatedly by my mother for wetting the bed. I didn't realize until fairly recently that I have had emotional problems based on those regular beatings with my mother's clenched fist (although sometimes she used a branch off a tree outside out house).


The adverse childhood experiences that Gloria had did not involve sexual intercourse, but they did involve criminal behavior on the part of her alcoholic father. Her father and mother owned a convenience store in Los Angeles, and starting early in the afternoon her father would drink beer. Later as the evening wore on, he switched to vodka and went to neighborhood bars with his drinking buddies, getting himself very drunk before he came home.

"I would wrap myself up in blankets and shudder when I heard him come home," Gloria explained. "He would go into the kitchen first, get something out of the refrigerator to eat, and then next, almost every time, he would enter my bedroom.

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I tried locking the door one night but he was in a rage and kicked the door so the locking device was rendered useless."

Then he would take off his pants and lie in Gloria's bed and begin touching her. "I always cried when he started," she remembered. "He would kiss me hard and his alcohol breath would be so horrible I would come close to throwing up. He unbuttoned my nightgown and put his filthy hands all over me, including in my vagina. Sometimes he would ejaculate just from abusing me. It went on for three or four years."

The adverse childhood experience led to social, emotional and cognitive impairment for Gloria; throughout high school she was extremely shy around males, and turned down numerous invitations for dates from nice boys simply because she had a stigma about the male animal. She had nightmares about her father; she couldn't stand near anyone chewing "Spearmint" flavored gum (her father chewed it before abusing her, thinking he was masking the alcohol). Today she is 33 and she feels that her father "ruined" her; the only health risk factor she appears to have is being overweight. She eats to feed her….....

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