Adams, Henry. Tom and Jack: The Intertwined Essay

Total Length: 668 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Adams, Henry. Tom and Jack: The Intertwined Lives of Thomas Hart Benton and Jackson Pollock. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Press, 2009. Print.

Jackson Pollock and Thomas Hart Benton both shared a love of art as well as an intense friendship that not only challenged but also changed American art. This book focuses on the portrait of such a friendship through displaying both the styles of the artists. In terms of relationship, Pollock studied under Benton as a student. In fact, Adams explains Pollock's only formal training came from Benton, thus becoming a sort of surrogate father to Pollock. Adam also covers some of the more odd facets of their lives such as Pollock's romantic love for Benton's wife. From there, Pollock branches away from Benton and achieves success as an artist. The personal drama Adams unfolds along with vivid description of the artwork allows for great insight into the lives of two great artists.

Dickerman, Leah, Diego Rivera, and Anna Indych-Lopez. Diego Rivera. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2011. Print.

The book describes Diego Rivera exhibit of MOMA or The Museum of Modern Art in 1931. It was styled as a monographic exhibition, setting new attendance records at the time during its five-week run. They brought Rivera for six-week to New York, giving him on-site space in a rented studio.

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In the studio, Rivera produced portable murals, five in total. They were essentially big blocks of frescoed plaster, wood, and slaked lime featuring vivid images concerning Mexican subject matter. The books has essays and catalogues that help readers examine international politics concerning muralism.

Doss, Erika Lee. Benton, Pollock, and the Politics of Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991. Print.

In this commended progressive study, the writer Doss archives a significant cultural transformation in American art and focus on art from the ascendency of regionalism during the 1930s all the way to abstract expressionism during the 1940s. Doss focuses her study on two artists, Jackson Pollock and Thomas Hart Benton. Doss mentions Pollock and Benton's leading student in early 1930s, charting Pollock's initial imitation of his mentor's style prior to his radical move onto abstraction. By positioning painting inside the evolving cultural and sociopolitical context of the Depression spanning to the Cold War, Doss clarifies the reasons for such a change as well as casts light on its meaning for modern culture.,. 'Thomas Hart Benton's America Today Mural….....

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