An Ad a Poem a Short Story and a Song Essay

Total Length: 698 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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The France ADOT advertisement for organ donation has an intended audience of all healthy people, who are in the position of registering for being official organ donors. The means of persuasion is emotional, as the image is of a hospital bed and a man hugging a transparent, ghost-like image of an elder. The suggestion is that the elder has passed on, and that the organs of that person are keeping alive the young man in the bed. A strong story is being told, given that the organ donor is of a different ethnic background from the recipient. The suggestion is that organ donation can help save the life of a total stranger. The method of persuasion is emotional and explicit, showing that it will help others to register as an organ donor, because once a person is dead, those organs can either be used to save the lives of others or those organs would otherwise go to waste as the body fades away with the natural process of decay. Lighting and the clever use of photographic tricks makes it possible to depict the now-dead senior as being transparent and the man in bed as being fully alive.

2. Song: Journey "Don't Stop Believin"

The song "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey is one that embodies the American Dream in a positive way. Rather than some of the more cynical songs that show how the American Dream is false, this song tells the listener to "don't stop believing" that dreams do come true. The verse begins with two characters, a "small town girl" and a "city boy born and raised in South Detroit.
" Their dreams are the same: the escape from their lonely lives and get a "thrill" by "workin hard." There is great struggle in the process of trying to achieve the American Dream but ultimately it takes an attitude of never giving up. The song's theme resonates with my own life and struggles with achieving my goals of world domination.

3. Poem: "Belly Good" by Marge Percy

This poem is unique in that it addresses women's body image and the pressure to be thin. Using powerful visual imagery of the belly being "as a great goose egg," it almost seems as if the speaker refers to a pregnant belly. Soon it becomes apparent that it is not only the "swelling" of pregnancy but also the natural curves….....

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