Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda Book Review

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Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda

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As we open the book, we are confronted with two poems, "Syntax" and "The Other Syntax" What is the significance of syntax? It is defined as the linguistic study of how words are put together to form sentences and ultimately, to mean something. The first of these poems describes the Western view of the beginning of the universe, the Big Ban Theory. It is a linear explanation backed by equations that demands a linear progression, one in which we have constructed our world: beginnings, middles and ends. The speaker "mirrors the syntax of his "mother tongue.

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"The Other Syntax," questions the first and states that there are other syntaxes. One for instance that speaks of the intensity of the experience. There are no clear-cut signposts. Thus the universe is the chariot of intensity that we can board and journey though "changes without end." And that is also….....

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"Active Side Of Infinity By Carlos Castaneda", 30 September 2011, Accessed.3 July. 2024,