Active Listening and Non-Directive Counseling. Article Review

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A practical way of incorporating active listening is by paraphrasing material and asking the client from time to time whether you have understood him correctly. In fact, all the Rogerian tools are instruments to accomplishing active listening.

A practical way to practice non-directive counseling is by recording oneself and the session and critically monitoring it for possibilities of improvement of skill and for signs of interference.

Topic heading 2: Describe at least one stage in the therapeutic process in which you ?would apply each skill and explain why. Be specific and give an example.

The stages of counseling according to the transtheoretical model of Prochaska and associates constitute six defined Stages of Change which are:

a. Precontemplation - the client has no intention to change behavior

b. Contemplation - the client, aware of a problem, would like to change some day.

c. Preparation - the client intends to change within the next month.

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he/she has taken incremental steps to attempting change.

d. Action - the client is taking steps to improve / tackle problem

e. Maintenance - the client is working to maintain the changes, and struggling to avoid relapse.

f. Termination - the client has completed session and dealt with relapse.

According to Prochaska, it seems as though new habits have become a part of the client and the problem has been dealt with. In reality, however, relapse is oftentimes an element of challenge. Change and improvement is a lifelong struggle for all.

I see the stages, therefore, as not progressive but cyclical. To that end, I would suggest that both active listening and non-directive counseling be.....

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