Acting in Order for Any Essay

Total Length: 647 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Naturally I am also somewhat of a film buff, and have been studying the classic films by some of the best in the trade -- Marlon Brando, James Dean, and even contemporaries like Robert De Niro -- in attempts of finding a common denominator, some sort of iconic quality, that they bring to the profession.

As a performer, my strength so far has been my natural instincts. After learning lines and engaging in my own form of role studying, I have been told that I have a natural ability to immerse myself within a character. Yet my principle weakness in this field at this point is in drawing out intangible aspects of characters -- details that may not be scripted or expressly denoted by the authors -- that aid in a fully fleshed out, three-dimensional presentation of a character.

This aspect represents the zenith of acting. I have seen it before in the films of some of the actors I mentioned, and in certain live performances as well. Yet I am convinced that entering a formal acting institution such as this one will enable me to completely immerse myself in roles and find those intangible aspects of characterization that leave lasting impressions upon audiences and performers alike.

I am convinced that my passion for living life to the fullest, as well as formal academic training in this discipline, can help me in mastering my goal. In addition to the classes and training in this subject, I am certain that simply being around other actors will allow me to discern techniques and methods that are beneficial.

In summary, I am at the point in my life in which I would like to fully dedicate myself to this craft, learning both scholastic and secular methods, and readily employ them to determine how far I can portray the vitality and effervescence that exists all around us......

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