Acquisition Strategies and Organizations Acquisition Term Paper

Total Length: 663 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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This greatly assists Google in assessing the worth of any firm and therefore decides about its possible acquisition (if acquisition will be held then it also determines the price which should be offered for the acquisition).

Estimating the worth of a firm can have many factors, some of which are the size of its customer market, the overall growth rate and growth potential of the firm, the competitors facing the firm, any other sort of potential investors which may involve in acquisition and the overall market potential of the target firm.

Although all of these tools and techniques are used by many other internet search engines but Google has a much more complex and advanced system, it is not perfect but has given Google the edge over its competitors time and time again.


Chevron is one of the biggest oil companies in the world, previously it has made many huge acquisitions like that of Unocal and Texaco.

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More recently, its main focus has been in the field of exploration. The firm itself has exceeded resource portfolio by more than twenty five percent (more than ten billion barrels) to make up more than sixty billion barrels. Great amount of investment has been done recently (more than two hundred million dollars in some ninety of its capital projects).

The overall investment in the forty major capital projects surpassed the one billion dollar mark. Due to this enormous investment and exploration success, Chevron has reduced its acquisition objectives as it does not consider taking over any other firm for its own expansion. For Chevron, the acquisition which they are interested should have scale, it should be strategically fit so that Chevron may search for resources where it can do more than just usual business......

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