Achilles Tendon Rupture Every Time Term Paper

Total Length: 949 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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To verify this diagnosis, a doctor may then order either an X-ray of the area, or more likely, an MRI, which is better at imaging tears in soft tissues. When surgery is required, these symptoms persist for several weeks after surgery.

Surgery is a common treatment for a rupture to the Achilles tendon; and most often consists of making an incision to the back of the lower leg and stitching together the torn section of the tendon. ("Surgery for an Achilles Tendon Rupture") if the rupture is complete, then the repair may be reinforced by connecting the torn tendon to other nearby muscles. While the surgery is often performed through an open surgery procedure, if a patient has heart, circulatory, or poor healing risk factors, a percutaneous surgery will be performed. This surgical procedure differs in that it requires a number of small incisions instead of a single large one. After surgery, 80% of patients return to their former level of activity within four to six months. ("Surgery for an Achilles Tendon Rupture")

But immediately after the surgery a patient will be required to avoid bearing any weight on the foot as well as to wear either a cast or boot for up to 6 weeks. The foot must be pointed downwards at the beginning, but the cast or boot is slowly repositioned over 4 weeks until the foot is neither pointing up nor down. From week 4 to 6, the transition to a full weight bearing boot is permitted and physiotherapy should begin.

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Because the foot has been immobilized for a period from about 6 weeks, the initial therapy should concentrate on building up the weakened muscles and extending the range of motion (ROM) of the tendon. Isometric exercises can be used to build up the muscles while ROM exercises should be performed several times a day. The boot should be worn continuously up to the 6-week mark but slowly phased out during the next two weeks. The goal of the 6 to 8-week phase includes a slow build up of muscles through isometric exercises while the ROM is slowly extended, as well as the complete phasing out of the boot. After 8 weeks a patient should be able to walk without a boot or crutches, but may still use a walker or cane to aid themselves. From this point forward the muscle building and ROM exercises should be slowly increased until the patient recovers the full range of motion and physical ability they had before their rupture. Depending upon individuals, patients should be fully recovered within 4 to 6 months of rupturing their Achilles tendon.


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