Achievement Inside American Schools Has Term Paper

Total Length: 904 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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These various elements will allow everyone to show how well they comprehend the material and provide areas for identifying critical weaknesses. These insights will be used to improve performance and enhance their comprehension of different areas. (Walvoord, 2010)

Create a fully developed holistic rubric.

The best way to develop a holistic rubric is to use Bloom's Taxonomy. This is designed to promote the most effective areas of evaluating student performance (utilizing testing) and determining if a particular approach is producing results. This is achieved by concentrating on their ability to use cognitive skills. The most notable include: recalling key ideas, focusing on their understanding, application, creativity, evaluation and analysis of them. (Weil, 2004)

Remembering the information is the most important part of helping a student to utilize the skills they are taught in the future. Understanding is when they can explain how it works in their own words. Application is when they can take these insights and use them. This leads to creative thinking, evaluating and the ability to analyze the information more effectively. Under this approach, students will be able to demonstrate their skills through an actual demonstration. This will severe as a critical part of the evaluation to determine if they understand the material and can apply key concepts.

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These areas will be followed by a traditional written examination. This will have lower amounts of weighting, with the actual demonstration playing the most significant part. When this happens, it will enhance their learning comprehension by having them show how they can use these skills. This is the point they will remember these concepts and utilize them in the future. (Weil, 2004)

Identify the constraints you will impose on the assessment.

The testing constraints were selected, because they can provide a basic foundation for understanding critical challenges. At the same time, they are designed to reach out to each person's unique learning style and determine if they comprehend the material (using the highest levels of critical thinking). This will help them to remember and apply these ideas on their own. (Weil, 2004)

Clearly, this approach will improve academic performance by allowing students to learn and understand the information differently. This is accomplished by augmenting traditional methods with their own unique learning style (using the latest technology and creativity). This is the key for helping them to have the skills they will need in the future and to see the importance of these concepts. It is at this point when their learning comprehension will dramatically improve......

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