Accounting Differential Cost Differential Cost Strategy When Essay

Total Length: 1151 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Differential Cost

Differential Cost strategy when used by an educational entity such as UOS means that the institution determines what it would cost to offer alternative forms of education based on the number of students interested in choosing those alternative forms. In other words, by offering choices to the students based on the student's specific needs and desires and then measuring the difference in cost when compared to other educational offerings, the school will know exactly what the differential cost is. This allows the school to offer courses and activities in the most efficient and effective manner, and in a manner that produces the highest amount of revenue with the lowest cost. By knowing the difference between the school's offerings and what the same type of offerings are being offered by their competitors, the school will be capable of offering more for less. As an example, if the school decided to offer a computer course that drew 40 students paying $500 with a cost of $2,000 compared to offering a English course that drew 50 students paying $500 with a cost of $2,000 the differential cost is a positive $5,000 for the English class. The school would then know to offer the English class over the computer class.

Major activities and activity cost pools

The major activities at UOS include the following; teaching, the Center for Continuous Education, and student registrations and admission services. Additional activities that are evaluated as to their cost includes such items as Human Resources, Maintenance, Computer Services, Transportation and Facilities. Teaching, of course, is the mainstay of the institution. Without good teachers, the school suffers; loses students and revenues, and could possibly lead to a downward educational spiral from which the school never recovers.

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Therefore, hiring and keeping good teachers is very imperative to the success of the school. The Center for Continuous Education is also very important in that it provides comprehensive information and guidelines to students in search of educational success. Student registration and admissions are also major activities in that they facilitate the efficient generating of revenue by ensuring the course offerings match the desires of the majority of students interested in attending the school.

The cost pools for the three primary activities include 3,500,000 for teaching, 500,000 for Center for Continuous Education, and 1,600,000 for the student registration and admission services.

Secondary cost pools (or support pools) include the following items; human resource, maintenance, computer services, transportations and facilities. A cost for each of these pools is factored into the overhead as well and is based on assigning costs to the individual activities.

Assigning Cost Activities

The school needs to allocate the overhead of providing educational services to students in the most cost effective manner that also provides a method for determining efficiency and profit. To accomplish this objective, the school assigns cost to a variety of activity cost pools through the use of cost drivers that represent the used activities. The most interesting thing about assigning costs in this manner is that it does not replace existing accounting systems, instead it complements the existing systems by segregated overhead into various cost pools in order to provide cost accounting that is both accurate and comprehensive.

Cost Drivers

The cost drivers also have to be examined and in this case the cost drivers for the school will help to determine the differential costs facing the school. As an example, this report shows how the.....

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