Academy, As Part of Its Attempt to Essay

Total Length: 844 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Academy, as part of its attempt to instill reflective learning in students has created the GROWTH program, a school, community-based program in which students who have interpersonal difficulties are given specific assignments to promote reflection and change. "Every student that serves a GROWTH lunch is required to do a GROWTH CENTER REFLECTION SHEET that consists of various questions and an apology letter. The purpose of the sheet is to allow students to reflect on the choice that they made, why the choice was wrong, how they could've handled the situation differently using better choices, and what they have learned from their experience" (GROWTH, 2013). Thus, relationships between students and deans are fostered via GROWTH; however there is no little direct family contact in the program -- the emphasis is on personal responsibility for the student.

The program is considered community-based given that it relies upon concepts of conflict diffusion embraced in a wide variety of dispute-resolution settings and students who make a wide variety of poor choices inside and outside of the school may receive such assignments. However, although GROWTH is not family-focused the PTA is a very strong force at See All. The PTA is very influential in overseeing fundraisers (one session of the 'minutes' of the meeting reveal a discussion of an upcoming candy sale); in setting policy (such as whether outdoor recess is still permissible); and approving measures such as an additional $50.00 for classroom educational supplies for all teachers (PTA, 2012).

Name of program


Current level of participation

Current impact on student learning

School community program: Gaining Reflective Outcomes With Total Harmony (GROWTH)

Anti-bullying program designed to "find peaceful solutions for existing issues" (GROWTH, 2013)

School personnel: 5

Family: 1

Community: 4

School personnel: 3

Family: 1

Community: 4


Fundraising, participating in school policy decisions that affect students, suggesting additional funds for classroom needs and activities

School personnel: 5

Family: 5

Community: 4

School personnel: 5

Family: 5

Community: 4

Q1. Which programs most effectively involve parents/family, school, and community?

GROWTH has been helpful in fostering a non-confrontational approach to make students more reflective about their behaviors. The PTA is the backbone of the school in terms of its financial support of activities for student enrichment.

Q2. Which programs most effectively impact student achievement at your school? Describe.

The PTA is very influential in providing support for student activities and achievements. Students targeted through GROWTH receive additional support for behavior problems rather than are merely 'punished.'

Q3. Overall, who provides the most support for….....

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