Abu Dhabi Has Been Busy Essay

Total Length: 846 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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The Abu Dhabi Health Authority (ADHD), however, intends to overcome those obstacles by continuing to train its locals, and by envisioning an influx of professionals with the emergence of top-notch institutions such as John Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic, which have agreed to set up operations in Abu Dhabi (UAE, 2007).

ADHD seems to have accomplished some of its objectives. According to its Investor Highlights (HAAD Health Statistics, 2009), mandatory insurance coverage introduced by Expatriates and Thiqa for Nationals caused significant increase in 2007 in the population seeking local health care whilst "demand for health services in the Emirate stabilized in 2009" and more hospitals and home cares services (including homes for the aged) obtained licenses (HAAD Health Statistics, 2009).

The forecast for Abu Dhabi's health system seems chirpy and optimistic. There are still some challenges to work through such as reducing waiting time that can be lengthy in some departments particularly in pediatrics and gynecology (HAAD Health Statistics, 2009), but the ADHD has achieved tremendous growth within the last few years and expects a similar trajectory of growth in the future.
In 210, the ADHD opened up a new branch called the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) that provides prevention instruction as well as chronic disease management and individual screening to 12 hospitals, 62 ambulatory and primary health care clinics and 2 blood banks in Abu Dhabi (Zawya, 2010). Future plans include additional screening alerts as well as adult vaccination and notifications for preventative care check-ups.

As regards the ADHD in general, there is a projected significant demand for services relating to chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes, as well as a larger volume increase in outpatient settings. It is, similarly, estimated that there will be an aggressive growth in inpatient services relating to both diabetes and cancer. The health system, in short, seems to have picked itself up and is on its way to continued growth......

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