Abnormal Psychology General Definition of Term Paper

Total Length: 918 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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.. seeks to observe, compare, classify, and relate the facts of abnormal conduct, thought, and feeling for the primary purpose of understanding them. It approaches these phenomena in much the same way that the mathematician or the botanist studies his subject matter.

(Hollingworth 8)

There are other various standpoints and perspectives on abnormal behavior. A different perspective on the subject which in fact adds to the depth of understanding of abnormal psychology is the theory of cultural relativism. Research in the disciplines of Sociology and Anthropology has added to this debate in that they have shown that there is no absolute normative situation. Societal norms are relative to a particular culture: and what is considered abnormal in one social context could be considered normal in another. Cultural relativism adds another layer of complexity to the psychological definition and understanding of the term 'abnormal' in modern society. This aspect is further problematized as modern societies are often composed of amalgams of different cultural strata and subcultures.

I am particularly interested in abnormal psychology in that it provides a vast and complex field for research.

As discussed above, the issue of what is abnormal is one which offers a host of varied interoperations. Furthermore the boundary lines between various disciplines have narrowed-for example, the research between sociology and psychology.

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This has meant that new and exciting avenues of research has been created which makes the study of abnormal psychology an exciting and relevant area of research.

The above point is indicative of my reason for pursuing the field of psychology. I am interested in the multivalent and intricate function of the human mind and its interaction with the world and environment that surrounds it and in which we function. Psychology is the study of the human psyche and this includes numerous and often diverse aspects that must be considered in order to understand human behaviors in context and in its totality. This is one of the reasons why I find abnormal psychology so absorbing.

Psychology offers a myriad of theoretical viewpoints that provide a fascinating and insightful view into the problematics and complexity of the human mind and human behavior. In essence the study of psychology is the study of who and what we are as human beings. The impulse to understand who we are and the factors that motivate and determine our behavior is one of the strongest of human impulses. It is this intellectual curiosity that has been the central reason for my interest in the field of psychology......

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