Abandoned Babies While It Is Term Paper

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Unfortunately she did not know she needed to clear mucus from his nose and mouth, and the child suffocated. Rather than disposing of his little body, she kept it hidden but close to her for two days until her boyfriend finally alerted her parents (Moll, PAGE).

Researchers do know the effect that poor bonding can have on the developing child. These children may appear as angry, ambivalent to the parent or resistant to relating to the parent. When separated from their mothers, they may kick or cling anxiously to the mother. or, they may be indifferent. However, if the child is upset, the mother's efforts to comfort the child do not work, and they remain distressed (Hartman, David). Such children easily feel threatened. Without that maternal bonding, the world is not as safe as it should be for them.

In addition, insecure infants' reaction to poor bonding interferes with how they relate to the world in important ways, because they are reluctant to explore their world. They don't feel safe, and mother's attentions don't make them feel better.
While this response makes sense it restricts their activity (Hartman, David).

This information suggests specific interventions that might be appropriate when an infant has been abandoned. First, it is important to find that baby as soon as possible, comfort it, and provide its physical needs immediately -- warmth, shelter, clean clothing, food and liquid. Then it would appear that such a child should immediately be placed with someone who can nurture that child intensively, and have that child adopted into a permanent placement as soon as possible.


Collins, Amy. "Why Do Mothers Abandon BAbies? Common Threads Starting to Emerge." Daily News (Los Angeles, Nov. 5, 1997.

Hartman, David. "Attachment, detachment, nonattachment: achieving synthesis." Journal of Heart Centered Therapies. March 22, 2002.

Moll, E. Christine. "In defense of TJ's mother: neonaticide and the implications for counselors." Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, September 22, 2002.

Rand, Marjorie L. "As it was in the beginning: the significance of infant bonding in the development of self and relationships (Somatic Resonance)."….....

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