911 Dispatch Staffing Issues Unique Term Paper

Total Length: 1821 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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In addition statistics indicate that many of those who apply and are hired do not make it though the training for the job.

This provides evidence of importance when it comes to choosing the right candidates to begin with so that those who are hired are more capable of making it through the training.

According to Furey newly hired dispatchers are also affected by the attitudes of the dispatchers already working therefore it is crucial to maintain a high morale among the dispatchers already in position.

Furey suggests two recruiting tools to attract and find potential employees for dispatch jobs. The first thing he recommends is word of mouth. According to Furey workers who are happy and content in their position are inclined to recommend others that they believe would be a good fit for the job as well.

The second recommendation that he makes is to have potential employees that have applied for the job spend one or two shifts sitting with a dispatcher and observing the job first hand.

As is the case in the field, some otherwise interested prospects may reconsider when faced with the realities of what the job entails.

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If they are still interested, chances are at least they'll give it a reasonable effort."


The staffing needs and problems of 911 emergency personnel dispatchers are unique in that if there is a shortage of personnel or training it can mean the difference between life and death. Therefore it is vital to recruit and retain the best employees possible. Experts in the field believe that word of mouth and having potential employees sit with current dispatchers are two methods that can be used to combat the high turn over rates currently being experienced in the field.

In addition efforts should be made to reduce the rotation of….....

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