1980 Was, Like So Many Years After Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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1980 was, like so many years after and before it, a year full of great and small tragedies, of hope deflated and grief overwhelming. Two weeks before the year started, Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" topped the charts, and stayed there well into the new year. The Wall would become a sort of sign for the times, and for the almost surreal year that would follow. This would be the year that the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and after learning that the U.S. Boxing team had been killed in a plane crash, the American President responded by forbidding all American athletes to compete in the summer Olympics. 1980 would be the year that America sent in troops to save our hostages in Teheran -- only to accidentally kill so many of our own soldiers, through sheer ineptitude and poor planning, that we had to retreat without being fired upon once. 1980 was the year that Saddam Hussein took charge of Iraq, and invaded Iran, while America puzzled which side of that war to come in on, eventually supported Hussein -- despite the fact that he still kept our hostages.

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This was the year that Mount Saint Helens erupted, and the American populace responded by electing Ronald Reagan, the first movie star to become president. (Well, perhaps those two events weren't precisely related, but it's hard to tell what actually inspires people to vote the way they do) Certainly, picking out three moments to focus on isn't easy, but the flip of a coin suggests that the most important events of 1980 were those that seemed the most absurd -- Mt. St. Helens blowing her top, American soldiers colliding in the air over Iraq, America's withdrawal from the Olympics,….....

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