1920-1945, Significant Expansion Reforms Higher Education. Reflect Essay

Total Length: 655 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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1920-1945, significant expansion reforms higher education. Reflect opportunities attend college women time period. Women made 40% undergraduate enrollments 1940. This remarkable women permitted earn a bachelor's degree 60 years prior 1940.

Throughout history there have been a series of advocates lobbying with regard to women being provided with equal rights, but matters seemed to be different at the onset of the twentieth century. Women actually appeared to be looked at from a different perspective and the numerous movements meant to have society acknowledge the important role women played in the social order were more powerful than ever at the time. The women's suffrage movement is closely connected with their right to attend educational institutes. Although many women today successfully attend higher education, some of them know little to nothing regarding the efforts that women in the past needed to go through in order to make it possible for them to attend these institutes today.

- While many are inclined to believe that women's colleges do not provide an active social scene and make it difficult for women to integrate the social order once they graduate, the reality is very different.

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Many women today attend colleges dedicated solely to women because these institutions hold "more female role models and mentors." (Why choose a women's college?) Furthermore, a greater number of individuals attending women's colleges are likely to get involved in jobs traditionally designed to fit men. There is nothing unconventional about being a leader when considering women's colleges, thus meaning that students are taught with regard to the equal role they play in society.

- One of the principal reasons why women attend coeducational institutions is the fact that they are interested in the more diverse social scenes there. Moreover, the fact that they also have male colleagues influences many of them to take on competitive attitudes in an attempt to emphasize that they are actually capable to be equal and even better than men. Women….....

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